Virus Ti2 Definition

Sorry to repeat your statements.

I believe your question is about whether or not your DAW can route MIDI CC transmitted from Hapax back out to the Virus.

That’s a very DAW-specific question.

The issue is, I’m not using a DAW. There is no need to. I’m using a stand alone Aura (Mystery Islands) plugin for Virus Ti2. I wanted the definition file, so I can automate CC lanes (Filter cutoff, etc…) on the hapax with the automation track. I have the hapax > Mac via USB and the Mac > Virus via usb. CC’s do not work in the automation lane. It’s probably the plugin not passing CC info through the Mac to the Virus, or perhaps I have the plugin not setup right. Everything else works, just not CC automation.

Perhaps the standard Access Ti2 Plugin would work, but since I am well past Mojave OS, there’s no sense in trying. I might setup my mac with a dual boot option with Mojave. But FFS I haven’t made any music in 4 days LOL.

What are you using the Aura app for? Is it just to load singles and multis on the Virus?

You can do a lot with the app. Basically anything you can do on the hardware, but as you know with the virus, there’s a fair amount of menu diving. The app allows control of the ARP, OSC, Mixer, Filters, LFO’s and Mod matrix. Compared to the Access version of the app, it’s not nearly as good, but better than nothing.

looks like youre headed for an ipad app or a windows environment unless that plugin you use wont run on windows. (pssst! …yeah you! the stock one will! wana buy a windows module?)

if youre not using the plugin for audio to daw, why use it at all? you wont get better resolution than if you were to send cc from hapax to din5. if you just need those parameters, there are several current editors for the ti that im sure would fit the bill.

I just tried an experiment. I hooked my Virus virtually to my iPad, using BomeNet as the MIDI connection. My BomeBox is connected to my iConnectivity MioXM MIDI router, and the Virus is connected to a port on the MioXM.

I opened both Patch Base with the Virus editor and Touch for Virus. Both downloaded the current “single” patch from my Virus TI2 instantly.

While TI requires a direct, physical USB connection to the Virus to manipulate patches, other editors don’t. I haven’t tried this on my Mac with Aura (it takes too long to get that old machine up and running to do this test). My Hapax can sequence my Virus via DIN (via the MioXM), while other tools can edit patches, again via DIN MIDI courtesy of the MioXM.

There are other ways to connect the Virus’ DIN port to multiple devices. Perhaps one of these could give you the Hapax sequencing of the Virus and the patch editing you desire.

It’s impossible to get everything perfect. My goal was as follows

  1. Connect the hapax to control the virus via sequencing - done
  2. Get a plugin that actually works - Aura works sort of - But does not detect BPM from the hapax to the ARP within Aura - 1/2 done
  3. Control the virus with a virtual editor - Aura - done
  4. Send CC automation via the hapax, through the automation track into the virus, through the Aura plugin - not done.