Settings for count-in (via COUNTDO), not working?

How do you guys use count in when you want to record? In firmware 1.0 , I believe I only changed COUNTDO into ON in the rec settings options. Turn on recording and press play. But somehow it doesn’t work like that (anymore?)

For my Pyramid I had to turn on recording, keep holding it and press play, but that also doesn’t work.

Not sure if firmware 1.02 broke this, or changed this?


I was coming to ask a similar question about the metronome. I have the same settings as above, but when I record live it starts recording right away on the first beat. I’m still using FW1.01, so it’s not just 1.02

1.02 is just a few bug fixes, so nearly 1.01. I think I’ll report this possible bug tomorrow

I reported as a bug, and this has been confirmed as a bug that squarp is working on.

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thnx for letting us know

Learned something new about my hapax last night –

If you are using it as your master (I don’t think this will work in slave mode, but I don’t use the hapax that way), First ARM the record function by hitting the button but do NOT push the play button.

Then, look at the bpm button, and do your own count in, because, if you are either sending midi to the hapax or playing an external instrument to the hapax, it will start recording when it gets the first note. So, you can do a manual countdown, and have the hapax record (in live mode) at first midi command.


Thanks for the tip. I guess for now I will make it a slave of the Pyramid I still have and do the count in via the Pyramid:)

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I’ve encountered the same issue - Countdown only works when Hapax is stopped and then recording and playing start - if the track is ‘armed’ (record pressed while stopped).

What I had expected it to do would to count in (how long the count in is should be adjustable) while still playing - or a ‘start rec at start of pattern’.

I’m using a modular to produce the midi that is being recorded, and the modular is reliant upon the clock signal from the Hapax to produce the notes it is producing. The modular is using a lot of clocks etc and can take a bar or two to settle down into the stable pattern I am trying to record. So for me starting recording from stopped isn’t going to work. Ideally I would use ‘Rec off end of Pattern’ but this results in less than the entire pattern being recorded. The work around for me is to set the Hapax to Overdub, this is fine except notes are doubled etc, and I have to go back and edit any overdubs.

Will send this through to squarp suggestion box

It remains a bit cumbersome but maybe you can record with twice the pattern length and then delete the first half and move the second half to the front? :thinking:

That could work. Im getting by with rec overwrite on.

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Hello, I’m bumping this because no matter what I do there is no countdown before recording , I think this is a BUG , can someone confirm it’s working ? Thanks