Randomize note repeats?


I might be missing something, but is there some clear way of randomizing note repeats with the Hapax?

Edit: ‘repeats’ used to say ‘length’ erroneously

You can do that with the randomiser effect I believe, note length is one of the things it randomises. Hope that helps

Oh man, this is embarrassing - I meant note repeats. Sorry.

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No worries :slight_smile:

For repeats, like roll? you can add them in the step sequencer and shift them with utime, set a chance value and add another step with chance set to !pre. That works great on drums and gives you random repeats.

Or you can add an arp and and 2 lfo effects. Use one lfo to trigger the arp on/off and the other to randomise the speed. I think thats the general idea. Sorry if i got that totally wrong :slight_smile:


Thanks so much, will experiment!

I was just playing with the algo section on a drum track yesterday and you can set it to different curves or random and target roll, that might also be something you want to check out.

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maybe echo with perlins lfo to one/some of the parameters

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Such good tips! The effects and automation amount to so much more than the sum of their parts…

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