Question- live playback/record issue

Realy interesting issue
I have the Pyramid and the minibrute and tested if the minibrute is midi thru and it is not, made this setup and works fine, minibrute to Pyramid in and Pyramid midi out to minibrute in, no dubble notes from the recorded track, i think your issue is a midi thru thing from another synth(or maybe the minibrute with other firmware or is it the minibrute 2) Test if the minibrute is midi thru:
Just put on some midi notes and see what’s comming from the out port.
And if the minibrute is not thru it can’t be the one that’s looping the midi thru.
I see in the minibrute connection manual pdf it is possible for the minibrute to recieve midi data on all 16 channels.
And i read in the minibrute connection manual pdf from the arturia website
you can put local control on and off, can be even done with Continuous controller meggages.


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