How did you connect your polyAT controller to Hapax? Mine is through a midi interface, which in turn is connected to Hapax by usb (usb device). It does not seem to register incoming polyAT nor does it send it to a polyAT capable synth.
Haven’t tried connecting directly through 5 pin Din midi though
I’m connecting the polyAT-capable controller directly to hapax via USB (roli lumi), and my synth is connected via din5 from hapax out A and nothing in the middle.
Hi, just a quick update @Maarten: polyAT only seems to be transmitted when using midi output A in channel 1. I tested some other channel numbers and then you’re right, polyAT messages stop being transmitted. I have not tested all combinations (including B1, C1, D1), so my report might be limited, but surely polyAT works on midi output A with channel 1. @Thibault_Squarp if you are not aware of that I can test all combinations and make a proper bug report.
Hi @Thibault_Squarp , what are the plans for the polyAT support? it was temporarily dropped a couple of firmware upgrades ago, but would be nice to know how far or close is this from the top of the priority list
Yes, it was explicitly disabled because it was so poorly supported.
Unfortunately, we’re a bit stretched thin at the moment, but I hope to get it working in Q1 2023.
No apologies needed. It is not supported (yet). I have not been able to get a firm answer from Squarp as to when/whether they are restoring this function. It seems like it should be something capable on this device (as it is implemented on other sequencers/midi recorders). As a Hydrasynth user (my main controller), this would make the Hapax functionally perfect.
When I picked up the Hydrasynth, I anticipated using it as a master controller. I am very happy with that choice. PolyAT support on the Hapax would make it feel feature complete for me. I really would like to use PolyAT with external MIDI devices that support it and I can’t even record it, let alone pass this through. Furthermore, it would allow me to record Hydrasynth performances that capture the true capabilities of the synth. I assumed with the ability to record as complex data as MPE that the Hapax would handle PolyAT. I hope that it is still on the roadmap. I definitely can wait, as there is a lot to learn on the sequencer without that layer of control. Unfortunately, Squarp has not confirmed that this is still a planned feature in the Hapax. It sounded like they had difficulties with the initial implementation. With a sequencer as complex as the Hapax, I can imagine it can be a challenge updating the code and testing for bugs. 2.0 is a huge achievement and I don’t feel disappointed that PolyAT was not reimplemented in it.
What I do, as a workaround while waiting for the fix, is leaving the Hydra in MPE, connected to a USB but recording each note on a single track.
it consumes tracks and is a pain to do the capture, but it does the trick of “allowing me to record Hydrasynth performances that capture the true capabilities of the synth.”. As I can then easily play and édit with the AT automation, the ployATvthe hydra pays.
This is too much work for the results and tracks are valuable on the Hapax. I would rather just sample/record the performance. Fingers crossed that PolyAT is still on the roadmap…
If you dont need to edit that aftertouch data on the Hapax later then you should be able to use a single MPE track on the Hapax so long as you have Hydrasynth in MPE mode.
This isn’t something I’d considered. My plan was to control several poly AT synths from the Hydrasynth keyboard into Hapax, but if that is temporarily limited to recording/playback on the Hydrasynth that is still viable for me.
I suppose the only drawback is the HS having to occupy its own midi output on Hapax, but I think I can reorganize to make that work…Appreciate the idea
Unfortunately this won’t work because aftertouch data is not sent out polyphonically in MPE mode, at least not on the standard Hydra. I have tried pretty much every work around, including MPE. But a lot of my PolyAT capable synths are pre-MPE.
WIth MPE aftertouch is absolutely per-voice, thats part of the point of MPE. Each note gets its own MIDI channel and sends different channel aftertouch messages on those channels.
So I dont know whats gone wrong for you. This absolutely used to work on the Hydrasynth when its in MPE mode, and certainly used to work on the Hapax too, so long as you were using MPE tracks on the Hapax. But I still havent gotten round to trying this more recently. I may get round to it today, but not with the Hydrasynth.
MPE aftertouch (pressure) still working fine on the Hapax side of things with v2 firmware as best I can tell from brief testing, including recording several simultaneous notes with different pressure applied to them, and then playing that pattern back.