Is anyone interested in doing a 'pyramid-athon'?

Hey all - catching up.

Here are my takeaways - focusing on keeping it simple:

Let’s generate some midi on our pyramid, share it with each other, then use it to make some music and share the music.

Part 1:

  • Author midi on your pyramid
    – Midi should be type 0 (no patterns, just tracks, I think this is type 0, please correct me if I misremember)
    – Note data only – no CC’s or PC’s
  • Share to pyramid online midi storage (i.e. the ‘construction kit’)
  • Share project files or mp3s or notes on the music whatever if you want? (the ‘ref kit’, optional)

On sharing – I think it would be cool if someone’s midi came with a ‘sound suggestion’ where they are like “oh this one is a pad” or “this sounds kinda cool if you use this midi effect with it” or something like that. Just to help people get started (if they want), with what might be contained within someone’s midi.

On Collaborating – if we’re collaborating on songs, is there structure around who/how what parts are written? Do people just write whatever parts they feel like and we sort it out later? Do we wanna do it like an improv game where each person starts one idea, and we each add one thing to each idea? I don’t wanna make it complicated by any means, I just kinda wanna know how I’m gonna pick what I’m going to do.

This kinda reminds me of a thing I did once where I wrote a story with a group of people. One person would make up one line then, they’d hand it off to the next person. Like a relay. We could do a techno relay ha. But really that’s just another idea in the pile of ideas.

I really like improv games too where people just sorta shout a ‘theme’ and then people try to add to the theme like, “hey, we’re gonna do a synthwave version of blue skies by tori amos/bt” as a theme. Like we could pick ‘4 themes’ or something and everyone could write whatever parts they wanted for those ‘themes’.

Anyways, I’m probably coming up with too many ideas - but yea, how does the ‘writing of parts’ work?

On midi file storage and transfer – hey @CreepyPants and @OxOnFord – I think the main thing is that everyone can upload and download, if we don’t have that then someone needs to serve as an intermediary receiving and posting files. My first thought goes towards using an ftp server, and then I remembered that i’m old :upside_down_face:

Part 2:

  • Download the midi to your pyramid
  • play music on your rig and upload it to soundcloud or youtube or whatever and share it

Well, part 2 sure seems easy in my mind :sweat_smile:

Since people don’t want too many rules, i’m gonna pitch these rules:

  • Your music isn’t shitty
  • This is gonna be really fun
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I’m down with FTP.
I’m also old & git offa mah lawn.

The problem with a round robin collaboration IMO is what info is MIDI and what info is Audio. So, you may write a bass line using a specific patch on one of your synths, but when I get the Project I use a different patch and I “do stuff to the MIDI data”, but that makes it play even worse on the next person’s system.

Unless we’re going to do General MIDI I think that’s a recipe for headaches. I’m open to options and being wrong, tho. It just sounds like it will end up…painful.

As for

Well, I don’t really know genres. Sorry.
I don’t really know labels and that’s not because I"m one of those, “Just make music, man” snobs, I’m just too effin stupid to keep all those categories in memory.

Did you check out the Pack I posted?
That’s more of what you mean, right?
Except I made it in Ableton, imported into Pyramid for the Project file since I’m currently on a hybrid kick.

Back to “On Collaborating” - Heh, another round robin kind of idea is:

  • One person makes some MIDI
  • Second person bounces that to audio with the synth patches of their choice and makes some more MIDI
  • Third person bounces second person’s MIDI to audio and adds MIDI.
  • Goes round and round until people get bored, or some end point has been reached.
  • All the audio is packaged together and everyone can then d/l that and Mix/Master/Remix to taste…?

Systems thrill me

yay ftp! Do you have a linux host handy? we could setup an sftp and we’re done.

the problem with midi collaboration in general, imho and I think this is why my original pitch is “just write music and share it” otherwise there’s kind of a buncha stuff - but hey collabs are fun too.

For me, my midi is tuned to my synth patches and my synth patches to my midi. I definitely won’t be using anyone’s midi out of the box, but more as a starting point - as in i’m gonna mung your midi velocities and make sure my patches respond dynamically within the confines of midi. If i don’t do this, it just isn’t going to sound good unless I get lucky.

And I think sending direct synth patches over is impossible - we all have different rigs (though, if you have one of my synths, i’d be happy to collab on a sound with someone). I could work off notes like, an mp3 i could figure it out, or someone could be like, “two squares, short filter envelope” etc. Or i mean they could just write, “plucky bass” or “fm nightmare” and leave that to me to figure out (though if you don’t have an fm synth, i guess you’ll have to make a different nightmare).

I don’t know that I think round robin collaboration is any easier/harder for me than any other kind of midi sharing since no one has my rig or programming tastes. This is a personal anecdote - but besides your note data and a portion some of your timing, i don’t want your data lol. Everyone else is not me, ymmv.

Yea, but someone could post some music and be like, the theme is ‘this’, couldn’t they? It’s not about ‘getting it right’, it’s just about a starting place.

Not yet - maybe i should do the first test and realize a song with your midi. :slight_smile:

You’re gonna use the pyramid for the collab right??? :cold_sweat:

This requires someone to collect audio in a daw and then do editing/mixing. It also means the submitter needs to edit their audio or the DAW person needs to do all that. If someone wants to do this, great, but definitely not me. I probably will take other people’s midi, realize it on my rig, and share it via youtube - but I don’t want to do any DAW work personally or really use the mouse (it hurts and it’s a lot of work if i don’t love people’s audio). If someone wanted one of my audio loops, I’d be willing to do that - but i don’t really want to DAW, just pyramid. Sooooo yea, whatever the group wants - i’m just not doing that job (or in other words, i’m not willing to take on the complexity that comes with collaborating this way personally).

I will totally play back your construction kit for you though. Maybe i’ll do that later today and see what that’s like.

1 The storage space on my drive is for everybody with admin access, you can download, upload, edit all files. For now. We should close the group let’s say next week and the members will have full access. I’d suggest to go with folder structure Nickname/song name/… I’ll prepare this for you tonight or tomorrow

2 Going through the suggestions I’d say we should keep things, rules simple.

3 I’ve checked shortly @CreepyPants’ files today. //Nice piece of song btw. // Very well structured, organised.

4 I’ll be back to you tonight (it’s 7:10pm here) or tomorrow

5 I agree with the idea of simple midi files which is the pyramid project file on the SD card itself. We don’t necessarily need to know what is bass, lead etc because it can block creativity… Not sure with this though.

… Back soon, still working


  • Check out the pack I posted and if this is what we can work with, then cool - good to go? We all do like that?
  • I think we’re in agreement of sorts that ‘collaboration’ beyond posting MIDI and someone using that MIDI is the extent (ie sharing of patches or mixes starts getting convoluted and too ‘intimate’)
  • I will be using the Pyramid, of course. I made those MIDI clips on DAW and imported for the Pyramid Project because we just talked about that 2 months ago and I’ve been playing with some new plug-ins (Black Friday sales!!!). I’m totes good with someone just packing up some .mid files and “importing” them myself. I think all here are good even with that, but a Pyramid Project might be better suited.
  • Naming of data/Tracks for what kind of audio they are: that’s kind of up to the composer, yes? I give a reference point so that you can try to hear it in the audio reference. Beyond that, tweak it all to unholiness. I don’t colour within the lines either.

OT: Hey @OxOnFord - since you play guitar, what do you think of my guitar sound on that mp3? I’d love some feedback - I’ve been trying to faux guitar for a couple months now and that’s the closest I’ve gotten. (I played guitar for several decades (my first instrument) but current nerve damage prevents it. [sad panda]) I still need to work on being able to pgm proper strumming, but will have to look at MIDI strummers to throw in the data chain I think.

I loved the guitar, a nice unexpected surprise. My favorite part of the song, it never occurred to me to combine a synth with guitar like that.

I’ve just finished, will be two days off now.

I’ll summarize all our suggestions into separate blocks of instructions based on all our discussions, ideas, feelings and I will also create an example for each version based on the logic of workflow and so. I just want to see what is the logistics behind, how does it look, what are the logical steps. Technically only.

But first, first. …… cup of tea

Thanks. I’m still working on how to get that guitar ‘crunch’ sound vs the longer, ringing tones, and how to modulate my synth parameters to get between different guitar-esque textures.

Sorry for the thread hijack. Heh

Ray Harmony has that in all his YouTube vids.

uploaded here : JAMuarySubmission - Google Drive

please check if you can see, edit, upload, download Txs

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I can download.
not sure about editing or uploading, but you have my submission now.
Any finished product I make will be on Vimeo (because I don’t YouTube also. heh)

You’ve all written too much since I last checked… :slight_smile:

Yay for keeping it simple, sharing only Pyramid projects with a few short cues/annotations as to what each track might be. I’d prefer not to have audio tracks upfront, because that would make it harder (for me, at least) to choose my own direction.
Let’s all share our FM nightmares. :slight_smile:

Precisely. I wanted to say the same. I’ve listened to @CreepyPants first mp3 and I wanted to respond with a song, based on it, and it didn’t work. Audio is too dominant, kills the inspiration.


I worked with a driver all day yesterday and he was a former guitar player. I asked him for advice how to manage this our little project of randomness with 5 unknown people and he said this: when Robert Plant had a melody he liked he sang it to Jimmy Page. He is an excellent guitar player, you know. How do you start?, he asked back. Lyrics first or melody first?

Don’t we think GROUP we need a poem or at least a story?

At least something like this and we’d all know we are in Matrix?

Especially to curse with. Nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard d’enculé de ta mère . It’s like wiping your arse with silk.

Zion, hear me.

I am not sure whether you’d see the whole directory: that’s the top of it.


a dark art that haunts our dreams

Personally, I find little themes whatever they are to be helpful to collate artists.

“This is the tale of @CreepyPants’ pants, in B flat minor”

I can see it!

Heads up then for those who tend to find themselves in a similar place.

I would personally find the audio reference to be helpful from both sides of the project.

So, not to rehash YETAGAIN (which we seem to do a lot here…?):

  • We’re all good with everyone submitting a similar ‘pack’ as the one I proposed?
  • We upload and/or make it available to @OxOnFord so it gets on his Google Drive.
  • People involved can d/l as many packs as desired and make something with them, multiple, or all.
  • During the month of Jamuary we present finished/semi-finished/work in progress on SoundCloud, YouTube, etc
  • 8Jan, date we set before, perhaps that can be the deadline for uploading of MIDI/Pyramid Project Packs?

A tale told by an idiot…

Yes, I agree.

Do you know how to make this thread private?

I don’t mind providing sounds. I’ll make a little video and include a link or something and then if people don’t want that, they just don’t have to look. For the midi are we going to write a single part or multiple parts? If it’s multiple parts and i like, smoosh them all together as a single loop - is that still helpful or do you need isolated sounds?

no idiots here, just passionate creatives.

i remember a post earlier in the thread where I think it was technobear saying he couldn’t quite make the jan 8th. In the efforts to be inclusive - what do you think if any pre jan 15th deadline was pushed (or flexed) a little bit and this went into feb so that everyone who wants could participate? Maybe those of us that are less time bound could start earlier? Like i don’t mind getting some midi up by the 8th, I just didn’t want to exclude anyone.

I always like to be productive and start with a suggestion, but admittedly I don’t know and I’m making this up - but what about like - jamuary starts in jamuary, then jan 21st is midi deadline (so technobear can participate in the first phase?) and feb 8th is like music sharing deadline?

I agree.
I believe I would find the audio, but I’m rather contrarian in my creativity that the reference will only encourage me to do as opposite as possible.

I think that depends on who is making it…? Sometimes what we don’t say is more important than what we day.

Sorry, I was quoting Shakespeare. :wink:
( “Full of sound & fury signifying nothing…”?)

I believe that was when the proposal to ‘do as much as we can in a single day’ project was the proposal. Per a Jan 8th to upload deadline, I’m ready to upload today.

I think if we’re all agreed, or at least core members (ie “ones who have been chatting up this project the most here”) agree to the parameters, we just write it in stone, make a more formal announcement/process, then start uploading.

I know if I d/l’d a pack today it would take me until the end of January to get to something I’d want to share because I really dont work that fast.

I’d suggest end of January is the cutoff - because it’s a project to spur our creativity, yes?