Have a pyramid driven 'live' set? How do you put it together/perform it? (dawless or not)

I’ve actually not done a live set with the Pyramid in ages. I did this all with the Pyramid. Was an Elektron Analog Rytm for Drums, a Kawai K1m, Dave Smith/Pioneer AS-1 (with an external controller for more knobs) and a Roland TB-303 (plus digital delay) all controlled by the Pyramid.


Basically had loads of patterns programmed into the Tracks, but set out so that the top line was for the AS-1, and the bottom one for the K1m. Each pattern had the notes, and a Program Change message, so that I didn’t have to worry about touching each of those machines, which were generally buried on the table under other stuff.

Then I have this:

The big page on the left is the Acid lines on the 303, as I need to see those easily, and the little page on the right is a list of everything. The P column is the patterns on the Pyramid for each track (1-8 top row - AS-1, 9-16 bottom - K1m) the R column is the pattern on the Rytm (although this is kind of a ‘serving suggestion’ as I program drums to fit most tracks) and T is the TB-303.

Think from memory on the Rytm bank A was 808 samples, B was 707, C was 606 and D was a hybrid set of drum machine sounds that I liked some of them from) H is a specific track I’d done before which I recreated for this set. G was obviously something specifically for the ‘encore’ tune (which I’m not sure is in the recording actually)

And it looks like this when playing (a recording I made of one specific tune in my front room)

@vt100 now it’s your turn…