hapaxOS 2.10 BETA A - public BETA firmware

I ran into the exact same issue last night. Things would seem to get stuck then disabling the effect would clear it out some times. I don’t have clear steps to reproduce either, but it’s the only bug I’ve run into so far.

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First of all, thanks a lot for this fantastic update! Can’t wait to try all the new stuff in the upcoming days!

I’ve got a question about the transposition of drum notes: can they be restricted to a scale via pScale/Scaler fx?


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I reported, they sent me a FW fix, but still happening.

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These are some great additions for a version bump. Thank you!

Top ! Thanks to Squarp team for this nice update. All the best !

What a great update.

I seem to be encountering an issue with the auto-length using the recording looper. No matter what the setting, auto-length never engages and the loop/pattern length stays at 1 bar. I wrote to Squarp already, but I’m curious if others are also encountering this.

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Request for Shaper:

Allow it to reshape NRPN so that we can make it solve the issue with NRPN parameters that are really really large in range but only react to a small subset

some initial thoughts:

very neat with chromatic samplers and such! I had overlooked that the Hapax can do a midi channel per drum row, this opens a new world for me.
Allows to circumvent the 8-sounds limit in a somewhat hackish way, but great for keeping 808/909 toms and Hihats in the same kit.

The new step input mode seems useful for programming 303-like synths… Although I wish it was more realtime instead of enter steps and apply to create the pattern. Ideally it would have something like a “pitch list” (“Pitch Mode”) and a Time Mode (preferably with euclidian features) and work realtime, not just as a method of one-time pattern creation but as an actual thing that you can interact with and modify live.

The new mono mode is a welcome addition, one of the features I really liked on the OXI. Very intuitive. However the mono is not enforced when recording in live mode, perhaps thats a bug?

Got some really nice stuff when playing with the new FX ARP sync feature. Cool :slight_smile:

FX Arpoly made my head explode a little bit. Will need some time to understand :upside_down_face:
FX Register is cool but I doubt I’ll use it much for my music

FX Mono seems to work good for long notes, but when programming 2 same note at same position it always takes the lowest, regardless of settings first/last/rand. By design or bug?

Shaper seems cool, still have to play with it more.

Good job squarp team :+1:


There is a manual for the latest beta at beta.squarp.net

I see now thanks, I had scrolled down past the pdf links (as mentioned they’re not ready) and so couldn’t see the extra menu tabs along the top banner.

just installed the new firmware and the way i’m used to recording, punching in and having an empty pattern expand to whatever length i record, doesn’t seem to work anymore. i tried experimenting with the different record settings, but nothing is getting me the result i’m looking for. am i missing something obvious here? it always loops after one bar!

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I feel there is a bug related to recording, auto-length , punch-in
In my case:

  • Auto-length… not working per step… 95% of the time is restricted to 1 bar… But sometimes (random), start working
  • Recording… in punch-in mode… Sometimes the firs step/note is not recorded. Sometimes, it starts recording even when I didn´t press any key yet.
  • Midi freezes. I found some random midi blackout. I keep playing my keyboard, I see midi input working, but it´s not routing to the output. Or hanging midi notes (random)

I have got some midi blackouts in 2.03 also… everything go silent for 1 second and come back… So this is not about hapaxOs 2.10 only… :thinking:

I found a workaround for the bug of auto-length per step’s new feature (when 1/16 is selected)
It doesn´t work when Hapax is not playing… only works if you press play first… and then you can create punch-in recording with auto-length to step (1/16)

I got around to trying it out. These are important changes, I was already giving up on the hapax, but I might have changed my mind.

There are, however, some things I am missing. For example, the mono effect should have a highest/lowest option. And the mono mode would benefit from a visual indicator, that there is a note out of view on a given step. The oxi has that.

Finally, I still think that the hapax needs the option to collapse the view in the step editor on a specific scale (without forcing notes into it) to minimize scrolling.


I am really having fun with the new update! Yeah, there are several things I’m still hoping get added. But right now, I can’t stop playing around in my studio to be bothered with putting together a request list!

Good work Squarp Team! Thank you all for your continued support of this really amazing sequencer. :+1:t3:


I think I’m encountering this too. But only when starting from Stop. If the sequencer is playing, then you hit Record, when the play head comes back around to 1, it will record longer than 1 bar.

Seems to be the case. @hessence had figured that out and reached out as well. In any case, I received confirmation from Squarp that it’ll be worked on.

One of the other issues I was running into was “hanging” notes with Arpoly when setting Gate to 0%. I wasn’t able to replicate it every time, but I think I figured out how to reproduce the error. It seems to only happen when using note Hold under the Play setting in Live mode. It doesn’t always happen right away, but after adjusting a few parameters, gate length will sustain if set to 3% or lower.

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I would send these suggestions using Squarp’s feedback form. They look at the forums, but ultimately they refer to what they get in the feedback forms (could you imagine trying to keep track of things through these forums? lol)

polyend does it using the same forum software. they even let users vote on features then do the ones with the most votes

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