Hapax Audio-Sync best PPQN?

Allow me to tell you that is not the case

The reason why DC coupled is prefered for some applications is because you can get an actual 5V DC (or more/less) signal from it which can - without any additional electronics - be used to drive CVs or TTL like DinSync.

There’s tons of AC sync systems that will be just as reliable or tight. It really doesn’t matter.

I think it’s very important for OP to understand that no 120 BPM is ever the same. Every single music device or DAW will have a different “120 BPM”

Thats why syncronization clock exists, otherwise we’d only be doing start/stop

Erm yes, I do understand this! That’s why I’m going to some lengths to ensure my whole rig is clocked tightly.

I actually have multiple time-sync tracks for each device (one for every 10BPM as I outlined above).

So my Deluge’s 120BPM time-sync signal isn’t lined up the same as my Mac2’s 120BPM (because they respond with different latencies).

I suspected this was the case but wasn’t sure. A lot of people report using non-DC-coupled interfaces and it works fine.

hapax makes both possible