The manual provides an image for the grid in pattern mode where each cell is filled with some symbol or the other to indicate a created pattern. In my case, I have hapax version 2.10 installed and I can create different patterns, however, they do not show up visually on the grid as expected. Is there something I’m missing here?
I think your confusion is coming from the image on the screen vs the buttons on the grid. The screen is showing you 16 Tracks (one square for each Track… Tracks 1-4 in the top row, 5-8 in the next row, and so on). The buttons on the grid represent Patterns per Track (a Track being one of the number buttons in the top row- 1-16… and the buttons in the column beneath each Track number being the Patterns per Track). Each Track can have up to 16 Patterns (8 viewable at a time… as there are only 8 buttons per column). In the image you provided, you have Pattern 1 on Track 1 selected, with Patterns populated in 2 and 3 of Track 1 as well. If you were to put a populate a Pattern in Track 2, it would show in the second square of the screen, likewise- if you populated a Pattern in Track 3, or 4, etc.