I’d love to have a “Roll” FX.
Sequencer rolls are nice to have, but they feel too static. I wish I could automate their rate, adjust the velocity curve with velocity origin and destination, and set time curves (aka bouncing ball effect) with time origin and destination.
Please !
We have to send this feature request to Contact us | Squarp instruments
I’m preparing a whole pack of Feature Requests.
Yes would love that too. And an Algo to slice existing notes into multiple shorter notes (which is similar to a roll)
Except an algo is not automatable.
I know, that’s why we need both
Sometimes I like to have things “set in stone” (destructive - using an Algo), other times I want things to be “fluid” (using an FX, so you can modulate the parameters)
I agree 100%.
For instance I love that we have a Chance parameter but also a Chance FX with more settings and automatable params.
I think I mentioned this in another thread (maybe we should consolidate?). Using the echo fx and automating it on and off does a decent roll with velocity curve (and gate curve). Request: roll types - #8 by intervallux
If i could upload an attachment audio snippet I would, because I was just messing with this while sequencing slices on my digitakt
True, but Echo FX cannot perform Ritardando or Accelerando (bouncing ball). I tried to influence the rate with an LFO, but it does not work.
Yeah, I tried this too. I never figured out a way to do this on the hapax. I used to do this with slide trigs on the Octatrack. Would be nice to be able to modulate it