Drum track : set different row's step length

I did send a feature request in for control over step count and/or elasticity per drum lanes and similar for automation lanes. Squarp has responded that this is not possible due to the Hapax architecture, and that the solution is to use additional tracks.

The Deluge does exactly this since the last version. For drum and instrument tracks you can choose the length per note/drum and it works really well


If you really need a complex drum sequence, you can use projectB.

This request would be difficult as HapaxOS would have to be rebuilt from scratch.
It is more practical to use an iOS app or something like Octatrack as an adjunct.

Yes please for unique steps per row on a drum track! It’s one of the very first things I tried to do with the Hapax when it arrived.

Step resolution per-lane would also be incredible!

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Using project B for odd hi-hats or toms doesn’t make sens imo. The dual project feature is really usefull as it is.

Same as using additional tracks as also suggested.
I mean it would be an acceptable workaround with several pools of 16 tracks.

Oh damn that’s a bummer.
I was about to send a feature request.

I guess i’m not done yet with my G.A.S then :sob:

@Jimantronic : thanks for you input on deluge 4.0, that’s Indeed what i’m talking about.

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Well, I have seen other places where things that initially were deemed undoable, later suddenly was implemented… :man_shrugging:t3:


I guess it’s time me for a one up on this one :wave::smile: