Destructive quantizing (including end points)

I might have missed something, but I’m struggling with destructive quantizing. I know there are plenty of ways of undestructive quantizing, but I prefer destructive quantizing in a lot of occasions.

So is there a way to record quantized? I know you can have non-destructive quantize, but as far as I know, destructive quantizing is not possible while recording.

This is not a big deal, if you can apply destructive quantize AFTER the fact, but as far as I know, this is not really possible… I know you can easily quantize the start points of all notes by holding ALL and hold the uTime encoder, but this will actually MOVE the whole not to the closest grid, so this also affects the end point, which is not desirable.

Also, it is not possible to quantize the end points. You can easily default the lenght of all notes by holding ALL and press the length encoder, but this will just make all notes the same length, which is also not like quantizing.

So isn’t there a way to just apply regular destructive quantize to both start and end points?

I actually think this is a feature rather than a bug. Squarp are big on non-destructive editing.

There is a ‘consolidate’ action on the Pyramid, which I don’t think is on Hapax yet, but is coming, which will ‘burn in’ any midi notes+effects onto itself or another selected track, which is what I used all the time. It is an extra step, but at least you don’t have to do them all manually.


yeah, Im hope we will see consolidate… perhaps as an algo?

end point quantisation … that sounds like rounding note lengths.
which is not possible currently (and related to what I mentioned the other day on a post)

Ive raised a point with Squarp about resetting uTime to 0 to quantise.
this does work quite well. but its only 100% quantisation.

since if you turn the encoders, you are alway shifting uTime +/-, rather than scaling it.

imagine you have uTime notes of -12, +5 , +40 , -30
if you turn the encoder ccw by (so -10) , you get -22, -5 , +30 , -40
what would be nice is if it scaled, so ccw, would bring all uTime values closer to zero.
thus allowing you to ‘humanise’ the quantisation.

however, this is not really a simple thing to change … as this offset behaviour, is used for all values… so it’d be a bit of an oddity to just do for uTime
AND sometimes, the offset is what you want.
(e.g. if you can a bit of latency, you might really want to slide all notes back a little bit by the same amount… i.e. your not trying to quantise)


One thing I liked on the Pyramid, was when you selected loads of notes that had different offsets, if you moved them backwards to 0, it stopped each note at zero and let you continue to move the others until they were all aligned.

I can see the merits of both ways it works, like on Hapax is will always keep the relative offset between selective notes, that is definitely useful for some people, but I mostly (if not entirely) used to correct my dodgy playing, so preferred the Pyramid way.

I cannot remember exactly, but think Consolidate was a later addition to PyraOS, so fingers crossed it’ll come to Hapax. Was definitely useful. I actually thought you, Mark, has said it was happening, but maybe it was just on your wishlist.

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Yeah I’m not saying it’s a bug, I was just wondering if this is possible. But it seems it isn’t (yet?). Consolidating would solve the issue probably but just a plain destructive quantize function would be even better. I don’t know how consolidate works on the Pyramid, but I guess it consolidates all midi fx as well, which is not always desirable if you just want to quantize the notes…

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