Can't copy some tracks

Hello there,

I’m having some issues copying some tracks in a project. The strange behavior is that I can copy some of them, but some others don’t. Also, I can’t copy patterns inside them.

Is this a bug? Or is there a kind of limit per track that blocks these actions?

Thanks in advance,

Apologies that no one has responded.

I wouldn’t know if what you’re experiencing is a ‘bug’ or something else. Perhaps you could be clearer as to what you mean by some of them copy and “some others don’t”.

  • Are you using the latest version of PyraOS?
  • Do you get an error message or does the device lockup?
  • Does this happen on a brand new project?
  • Does it happen in only specific projects and/or specific Tracks?
  • If it only happens in one Project, and only certain Tracks, are these exceptionally large Tracks and/or have large amounts of events? (Note and/or CC, etc)
  • Does it happen with a copy of the Project on a brand new (clean) SDCard, or if you can dupe with a brand new Project: can you dupe with a brand new project on a brand new or clean sdcard?(narrowing down data corruption/sdcard hardware issues)

I don’t know if there is a limit on copies, such as if a Pattern or Track has a large amount of data that maybe it won’t copy/paste, but there is a limit on number of events in a Project. Max # of Events in a Project is 13,000 I believe.

I guess the troubleshooting breakdown might be:

  • user error/misunderstanding
  • device limitation (# of events, # of events in a copy routine, etc)
  • a problem particular to the OS (and likely fixed in a later version)
  • data corruption
  • SDCard hardware issues

Best bet would be to document if/when you can duplicate this, or you can contact Technical Support at

Thanks a lot @CreepyPants. Sorry for the late reply. I’m sick at home and I’ve completely KO those days.

Regarding your questions:

  • Are you using the latest version of PyraOS?
    Yes, PyraOS 4.02
  • Do you get an error message or does the device lock up?
    There is no error message. Simply doesn’t happen. It happens also to copying patterns.
  • Does this happen on a brand new project?
    It can happen before saving. But also when the project is saved.
  • Does it happen in only specific projects and/or specific Tracks?
    It only happens on tracks with lot of automation, effects, CC’s, and notes (longer tracks) My only workaround is copy the steps in a pattern and paste to a new pattern/track.
  • If it only happens in one Project, and only certain Tracks, are these exceptionally large Tracks and/or have large amounts of events? (Note and/or CC, etc)
    That’s it.

Does it happen with a copy of the Project on a brand new (clean) SDCard, or if you can dupe with a brand new Project: can you dupe with a brand new project on a brand new or clean sdcard?
I could clean the SD card, but it was clean before starting to have these errors. But do you think that it could be related to storage?

I think the main point would be this:

  • device limitation (# of events, # of events in a copy routine, etc)
    Due that I can copy other shorter / less complex patterns/tracks without problems.

I will try to reproduce a video to share, or maybe share the project with Technical Support.

Thanks again for your help!

I have no idea how much data you regularly push through your Pyramid, but I would, at this point, consider (caveat:in my usual ignorance) that the issue is either data corruption with this project, or as you suggest, the Tracks/Patterns you are attempting to copy have too much data to safely copy & stay within the number of events the memory can handle. I’ve never hit an event limit, but I farm things like ‘filter sweeps’ to alternate devices or manual/realtime control.

One other suggestion might be to save the project under a new name, delete any data other than Tracks that don’t copy correctly, resave, then try the operation again.

As an alternative, if you have a DAW that will let you look at the events in a list (like the old Cakewalk/Sonar used to have), that would be interesting to see how much data is in there. There’s always the option to post your project and see if anyone else can dupe with your data, but that’s a bit invasively creepy IMO.

Of course, contacting Squarp at would likely be most appropriate for deeper dive.

oh, I guess I could try to dupe your issue by making a Project with lots of data. Sorry I haven’t tried that yet, but my nature is such that I usually try to err on the side of less MIDI data.

Makes sense that it could be a memory limitation. In that case, I think it deserves some kind of alert to the users in order to let them know. I’ll contact Squarp support anyway to see it more deeply.

Thanks again for your help :slight_smile:

This limit has increased since Pyramid’s release (I think it was initially 10k). However, plenty of people have reached the limit and commented on that here on the forum in the past. My memory is faulty, but I’d swear memory limits have always been listed in the specs.

Cool. Thanks for that info. My problem there is that I can see how much memory I’m spending on settings, but for the entire project, not for independent tracks.

My point was that from the UX perspective, users should be informed when an action can’t be executed and which is the reason behind it. It is a basic heuristic.

It will help them to understand what is happening, and fix it if possible next times.

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hey, I have the exact same issues on my liveset, I try to copy a pattern (16 bars and just 1 cc automation)
I put myself in live mode to copy it, because in step mode it doesn’t copy the notes plus the automation all at once
So basically it won’t copy, but it does copy in step mode
This happened to me several time, I try to shorten the clip to one bar and try to copy it but it doesn’t either
I’ll try to get more info and post them here. It might be either an SD card (or corrupt file) problem or a limitation due to high number of events. This is a live set but I’m using only 4 or 5 tracks, and only a few automations

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