Anyway to disable the project melodic scale per track?

I used ableton to load a bunch of kick drums onto one track up and down the full keyboard, (not in drum set), the problem is the scaling gets rid of a lot of the notes.

Is there anyway to turn this off per track? Would be a nice work around for the 8 track limit drum set.

This interests me as well, but for a different purpose. I have practiced playing on chromatic grid keyboards and therefore would like Live mode to be chromatic, but would like to enter chords in the step sequencer according to a project scale, which is more compact and efficient.

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i imagine this option would fit nicely under the PLAY section when in live mode. i’m not sure i’d use it often but the ability to would be welcome.

2nd+Track → pScale : OFF


i’d even looked in the manual for this, it’s not terribly clear in there so i breezed past it. the way it’s currently written is at the end of 7.8

TIP After setting the project pScale, you can enable it for individual tracks in their
secondary setting window.

i would think it’d make more sense to say ‘you can disable it for individual tracks in their secondary setting window. PRESS 2ND + Track → pScale : OFF’ since by default the pScale is enabled on every (non-drum) track in the Project.

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You’re right, I’ll change it in the manual