Sonic Potions LXR + Pyramid

Critical faculties affected by alcohol ? you think to yourself. Nah, No, not me. I can handle it.
Following morning you wait in a cold sweat… Fuck! it’s completely incompatible with my entire studio

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I just discovered this the other day… it appears the somebody has picked up the torch from Brendan Clarke (or perhaps it is a predecessor?), and continued development on the LXR firmware:

Some cool features!

Hi @TheMentat,

They were both developed around the same time (the last commit for the LXR-OWL date from Jan 28, 2016).

I never tried it but I’m curious to hear your feedback on how stable (or buggy) it is.
On my side, I’m using Brendan Clarke’s firmware specifically to get different MIDI channel per voice and I have no complain so far.

OWL offers the same MIDI functionality from what I can tell. It also offers some FX, and a few other bits. I’ll report back after diving a bit deeper.

Is the LXR out of production? :frowning: T_T if it is this makes me really sad because I wanted to build not buy.

Would still love to have a play on one of these. Might try and get one 2nd hand. Far too lazy to build one from a kit! Thanks for the update on the firmware @TheMentat. Would be interested to know if it’s fully bug free. jim

Just picked one of these up and I also have a similar midi issue,except my issue is that I can’t seem to receive midi clock into the LXR from an external sequencer.

In the “manual” is states that all I need to do is set the BPM of the LXR to zero and it should work.

Is there something I’m missing?

Please help! :frowning: