Anyone sequencing the lyra-8?

tips? thoughts? please share

but thanks to your post I just discover the Lyra-8…
so… thank you! :hugs:

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oh splendid. muff wiggler has two monster posts:


for da DIY version

vlad’s yutube is amazing too:

see especially:

have fun! the lyra-8 is a modern masterpiece


incredible eh? :wink: russia style all the way, esotheric

yes, indeed
really cool…

I guess that I missed this one…

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waiting list is a few weeks to a few months! just write to grzegorz (gregory), he is in europe!

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There’s a waiting list for the DIY version as well.

I’ve been on the waitlist for a long time and just have confirmation that my unit will be shipping soon. I’m not really sure if that’s the perfect synth to be externally sequenced. See the soniclab video - it becomes clear that the CV/gate inputs are pretty limited and the CV is not scaled.

For drones, it will be fine.

What’s more intriguing to me is the thing as a wholistic unit. Not some externally sequenced device, but a strange and weird instrument that can be explored. Simple, but expressive. Think theremin or early electronic instruments. That’s what I’m looking forward to explore.

From reading the Soma website, this is what I assumed also. I have a Synthrotek Nandamonium and it’s rather the same; although it has two CV inputs, not a single type of CV pitch control seems to control it in a regular fashion. I use it as a drone source for my MiniBrute’s external input.